Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Here we are checking-in at the Houston airport about to depart for London.  Please notice the two suitcases in front of the kids - all of their belongings for the next 5 weeks are contained in those two tiny pieces of luggage.  What can I say?  I am a master packer! (and not in any way related to my mother in this regard...I shutter to think of how big her suitcase will be when she meets us in London in July!)  Word to the wise, however, Ziploc travel bags don't work that great.  I bought 8 of them to help with the packing and I wasn't all that impressed.  I wouldn't waste the money on them.
With electronics charged, snack-bags overflowing, and Dramamine in my pocket, I think we are as ready as we'll ever be for this journey.  Our plane departs at 6:45pm CST and we will arrive in London at 9:40am UK time (which will be around 3:40am CST).  Curious to see just how well the kids transition - hope the excitement of being in a new country will last a while- it has to because they are too young for espresso!
When asked what they are most excited about, here are the responses the kids gave:
Caleb - "Seeing Big Ben"
Emily - "Eating in a British pub and having fish-n-chips"
Madelyn - "Riding the London Eye"
Tim - "Sharing the UK with my family"
Kerry - "Making it through this adventure without killing each other!"
So, wish us well.  Cheers everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it!! Hope the Jet Lag doesn't effect the adults too bad-I think the kids will be fine !! Have a wonderful time! See you soon-
